
Specializtaion Information

At Lv.10 you must pick a specialization. This will help dictate the route you will take in battle and the type of abilities you will learn. If you decide to change your specialization you will have to pay a 500 XP penalty. This means the first 500 XP you earn do not count towards your next level.

At Lv.50 you get to choose a second specialization. You will gain benefits from that specialization at 50 + the normal unlocked level. For example, if were a Mystic and chose Martial Artist as your second specialization, you would get Conditioning at Lv.60.

Martial Artist

The martial artist is the master of hand to hand combat. They are competitive fighters who often times fight just for the challenge, to test their abilities. Characters like Goku, Yamcha and Tien are good examples of Martial Artists from the show.

Martial Artist Benefits

Lv.10 - Conditioning - Increases endurance +15% in combat.
Lv.20 - Speedy Strikes - Allows you to make two strikes in one action (each with attack rating of 1.) Also allows you to make four strikes in a Pummel (each with an attack rating of 1.)
Lv.30 - Martial Efficiency - Reduces the FP gained from using any physical attacks that give +5 FP or more by 10%.
Lv.40 - Improved Conditioning - Increases endurance by +25% in combat. Replaces Conditioning.
Lv.50 - Martial Mastery - Allows you to make 6 Counter Attacks per battle.


The mystic often delves in otherworldly powers, and wield their ki in magical ways. Piccolo, Chaozu and Majin Buu are good examples of Mystics from the show.

Mystic Benefits

Lv.10 - Mystical Power - Increases ki by +15% in combat.
Lv.20 - Control - Reduces the FP gained from using all Special Abilities by 20%.
Lv.30 - Spiritual Focus - Increases your Fatigue Limit +20.
Lv.40 - Improved Mystical Power - Increases ki by +25% in combat. Replaces Mystical Power.
Lv.50 - Combat Meditation - Decreases the amount of FP gained from using all ki based abilities by 15%. Also reduces the amount of FP gained by all your allies when they used ki based abilities by 5%. Please note, this effect can stack with other FP reducing abilities. Also, this does not weaken the potency of your ki attacks when calculating the ki bonus.


The warrior is a military minded fighter. They are often ruthless in battle and will stop at nothing to kill or maim their enemies. Vegeta and Raditz are good examples of warriors from the show. Please note, if you pick Warrior as your first specialization, you cannot pick Weapon Specialist as your second.

Warrior Benefits

Lv.10 - Warrior's Spirit- Increases strength by +15% in combat.
Lv.20 - True Power - Powering Up increases strength and ki by +30% and only gives +12 FP.
Lv.30 - Blitzkrieg - When making a Rush Attack strength is increased by 20% and agility is increased 10%. The attack rating of your Rush Attack is also improved to 3.
Lv.40 - Improved Warrior's Spirit - Increases strength by +25% in combat. Replaces Warrior's Spirit.
Lv.50 - Unbridled Destruction - Allows you to empower an attack ability with an attack rating of 3 or 4, to the next higher attack rating. For example, an attack with an attack rating of 4 would be boosted to an attack rating of 5. May only use this twice per battle.


A skirmisher relies on exceptional speed to zip in and out of conflict. They like to wear their opponent down by evading their attacks and insulting them, typically to try to force them into making a mistake out of anger. Frieza and Burter are good examples of Skirmishers from the show.

Skirmisher Benefits

Lv.10 - Combat Reflexes ­- Increases agility by +15% in combat.
Lv.20 - Sneak Attack - If you use a speed burst while striking an opponent, the attack rating of the strike is increased to 3. It is also very hard to dodge.
Lv.30 - Improved Speed Burst - Your Speed Burst increases agility by +75%.
Lv.40 - Improved Combat Reflexes - Increases agility by +25% in combat. Replaces Combat Reflexes.
Lv.50 - Quadra Threat ­- You have four actions instead of three on your turn. You may only use this four times per battle.


The savant a natural warrior. They are a virtual Jack of All Trades type. They haven't truly mastered one form of combat, but can do just about everything. Cell is a good example of a savant because he could use all the Z Warrior's abilities.

Savant Benefits

Lv.10 - Prowess - All attributes are increased by +4% in combat.
Lv.20 - Manipulation - Reduces the FP gained form using all abilities by 8%.
Lv.30 - Haste - You have four actions instead of three on your turn. May only use this twice per battle. This does not stack with Quadra Threat.
Lv.40 - Improved Prowess - All attributes are increased by +8% in combat. Replaces Prowess.
Lv.50 - Fount of Energy - You may use Charge Up twice per battle as a free action. It also boosts your ki score an additional +15% with no extra FP gain.

Weapon Specialist

The Weapon Specialist focuses on the martial mastery of using a weapon in combat. The weapon acts as apart of themselves and they use it to carve through their enemies. Trunks and Janemba good examples of a Weapon Specialists from the show. Please note, if you pick Weapon Specialist as your first specialization, you cannot pick Warrior as your second.

Weapon Specialist Benefits
Lv.10 - Bushido Soul - Strength is increased by +15% in combat.
Lv.20 - Double Strike - You can make two weapon strikes (each with an attack rating of 2) in one action. Increases FP by +8 per action.
Lv.30 - Chakra - Restores 8 vitality once per battle. Does not take an action.
Lv.40 - Improved Bushido Soul - Increases strength by +25%. Replaces Bushido Soul.
Lv.50 - Full Circle Defense - When you block an attack made against you, you only gain 1/2 of the FP you normally would (to a minimum of 1.) May only use this four times per battle.
