Infinite Dragonball Z RPG
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Stronger By Grief

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Stronger By Grief Empty Stronger By Grief

Post by Izon 3/23/2012, 5:53 pm

Stronger by Grief

Jacob looked out across University Street at Stella’s where he would meet his contact. It was raining hard as it normally did in Seattle. Middle of winter and yet not a flake of snow. It was common for Seattle though. No snow, though the mountains got plenty of it. Instead he was cold and wet. Even with an umbrella, he was soaked. He had to wait for his contact to enter first. Normally he doesn’t mind, but days like this, it was miserable. Sadly it happened often here.

He got a break and saw an elderly man, maybe mid fifties walk in. He had gotten out of a silver Mercedes that was parked a couple of slots down in a parallel parking space. Jacob started but was stopped as the light had turned red. Cursing himself he waited, getting even wetter. Once the light turned he ran to the doors of Stella and walked in.

At this time he really wanted a whiskey, but weird stuff tended to happen when he even got tipsy. It was enjoyment while at home by himself, but right now, he would probably get shot. Walking up, he ordered a white chocolate mocha then sat down across from the man; the man he knew all too well. Robert Shinner. A man who he worked for and a man who despite his looks was dangerous as dangerous could be. Ex CIA operative, thirty years as a “spy”. Guy knew his stuff.

“You’re late.”

Jacob grinned weakly. He didn’t feel like starting with him today. The guy, though good, was a dick. Didn’t care about anyone but himself.

“Just tell me my assignment.”

“File is waiting for you, the girl’s name is Natasha Marco, a six year old…” He paused as the waitress set the coffee down and left. “The girl is six, born in Tacoma. Currently living in the U district. She’s class B.”

“Class B? And you want me to go alone?”

Robert crossed his arms, not looking even the slightest amused. Class B was a telepath. Dangerous as they could make anyone do anything. Class C was a telekinetic. Class A, well, Class A was what he was. He started out as Class C and when he was picked up by the Psi-ops, he was trained to harness the power. He quickly began getting telepathic abilities, and soon was able to manifest physical energy which was a class D. Class A did everything. They were rare. Only three that he knew of including himself, and only one who started out at Class A.

From what he understood, in the history of Psi-ops, there have been six Class A’s. So rare was the correct term. And Robert knew he was class A. Not much could stop him.


Robert smiled this time. He was a sick bastard at times. “Kill her. Her powers are uncontrollable. Level ten.”

Each class was ranked between one and ten. One being pathetic, ten being too much. They like to see seven or eight. Jacob was a nine. “Fine, I’ll take care of it and report in three days.”

“You have till tomorrow.”

“What? It’s already six o’clock. I was going to take care of her on her way to school tomorrow.” Jacob hated being rushed and Robert knew that.

“Get it done and we’ll get you some place a bit warmer.”

That was a blatant lie. He’s been in Seattle for three years now, they weren’t moving him. Standing up, he downed his coffee and left into the rain, leaving Robert to pay the tab.

The house was a typical city house. Two story and very close to the neighbors. Any sound could be heard, bad situation. He closed his eyes and his mind reached into the house. He could see every detail as if he were inside. Target was asleep, mother was asleep. And of course there was a dog who instantly became alert.

Jacob opened his eyes, "Fuck. A damn dog, well this has became instantly a pain in the fucking ass."

He closed his eyes and reached out to find the mother again. He reached into her mind and saw her dream. A man was there, a man he recognized. The old bastard who sent him on this mission. This wasn't just a dream, but a memory. It was easy to tell the difference as memories tend to be more vivid. Dreams got strange. The sound of a car brought him out of his trance. He saw a black BMW pull up and a familiar face exited. It was another Class A Rank ten agent. The bastard he had brought in, the bastard that nearly killed him to bring him in. What the hell was he doing here?

He got out of his blue Nissan, "Hey Justin, what the hell you doing here?"

Justin turned, the cocky smirk came across his face. The same one he always had when they saw one another. The same one he gave before he sent him to the hospital. Jacob would never forget that smirk.

"I was given this mission. What are you doing here?"


"Well then we have a problem." Justin walked over. "You know who she is don't you."

"Yup. The boss's granddaughter."

"So predictable. You always search the house first before going in. No sense of adventure. Which is why he sent me. To make sure it got done."

Jacob shut his door and began walking to the house. "Then how about some help? There's a dog there who's alert. You take care of it, and I'll get the girl."

Justin smiled, "Fine."

They got to the house and both vanished in a brief flash. Justin was behind the dog and swiped his hand over the dog. Before the dog could bark, it exploded into a puddle of blood and fur. He listened for any other sound but heard nothing. He vanished and appeared in the girl's room where Jacob was standing looking over her. Jacob looked over her sleeping face, a shot of grief washed over him. His life was about to be tainted with what he was about to do.

"If you don't want to do it, leave it to me." Justin walked up beside him.

"No I got this."

Justin jerked back and went through the wall. The noise woke the house and the neighbors. Jacob turned and held out his hand at Justin who began floating in the air. If he even let his mind slip even a moment, he would lose this fight. Justin was cold hearted and would do anything to complete his job, including killing him. He began to feel Justin's mind intrude his. Unfortunately there was nothing he could do, he couldn't concentrate on two different abilities. Only thing he could do was use his mental exercises to block Justin.

There was a shriek as the little girl looked on in horror. The mother was at the door terrified, trying to find a way to her baby.

"Grab her and go! You don't have much time!" Jacob had to be insane to do this, but he wasn't about to have a murdered child on his hands. His mentor had to do it, he lasted a week before he took his own life. The mother ran passed and grabbed her daughter. "There is a car outside, grab her and go!"

The woman and girl ran out, leaving Jacob alone with Justin. He was losing his control and that wasn't good. He had to end this. Breaking his concentration to keep Justin out of his mind, he put the remaining focus into the final move. He felt his mind begin to lose control but the final bit was more than enough. Justin's body ripped apart spraying the red life fluid and his internal organs everywhere. Collapsing to his knees he took a deep breath, his head hurt like hell and he just wanted to sleep. But he had to make sure the girls were safe.

Running outside he saw them in the car. "Get out of here and hide."

The mother didn't hesitate and took over the driver seat and fled. It was his car but he didn't care, he could take a bus home, except he had more company. Another car pulled up and his boss got out of the car. Robert looked to be in a very pissy mood, but no matter, he was as well.

"So you couldn't go through with it?"

"How sick can a man be to have his own grandchild killed."

Robert shook his head, "You don't realize the consequences of your actions. Then let me tell you. You have just kill at least a million people!" He paused a moment to let that sink in and when Jacob was about to speak he began again, "This isn't the first time this has happened. I've seen it once before. Tri Noble, you remember that disaster right?"

"That was caused by a melt down."

"That melt down was cause by my first child. And he wasn't even near the location. Jacob, he killed countless people. I had to kill my own child! This power runs in my family, but fortunately not everyone gets it. My second child, the woman with the child, was free of the curse. Her child was not."

"How do you know she will do the same?"

"Because it has already started happening. The tsunami in Thailand, was caused by her. Since then, they've been on the run. The earthquake in Haiti, this child is tearing apart the world and you just let her go."

"How do you know it is her?"

"Same reason we know who's psychic and who isn't. Me. I can sense other psychics. And her power is hidden till it is used again."

Jacob shook his head. He couldn't believe this. He didn't want to. He reached out with his mind to Robert expecting some kind of resistance, but found nothing. But also realized he was telling the truth.

"See what I've seen."

Jacob stood in the trees looking at the cabin, his target. He didn't want to do this, yet he knew it was the right thing. Her, or millions of people. And one child does not out weigh the millions. He saw the mother and daughter eating dinner. They were smiling but knew that wouldn't remain like that. Thankfully he could track his own things. He always left a psychic mark on his things just in case he needed to track his own stuff down. He closed his eyes, a tear rolling down his cheek.

"I'm sorry."

The message reached Natasha's mind but it was too late. The logs snapped like twigs and and splintered. Pieces flew striking the screaming mother in the throat. The daughter screamed but her power was slow to awaken and she was crushed by a log. The house crumpled up into a pile of debris, then exploded into a giant ball of fire. Jacob turned and walked out, sick to his stomach for what he had done. Maybe this is how his mentor Chris felt when he had to kill a child. He wondered if it was for the same reason. But he knew he had to continue to live on. He wasn't weak, he wouldn't take the easy way out. He would live with this pain for the rest of his life.

Posts : 480
Join date : 2012-01-02
Age : 41
Location : Seattle, WA

Character Info
Level: 56
Race: Demon
Location: Earth

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