Infinite Dragonball Z RPG
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The cleansing part 2 with a major twist. (None quest)

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The cleansing part 2 with a major twist. (None quest) Empty The cleansing part 2 with a major twist. (None quest)

Post by Kid Trunks Banned 4/17/2012, 10:27 pm

Easy Quest

Requirement: Must have done Path of the Cleansing 2.

Reward: 1,000 zeni and +15 Hero Points

First step is done. That wasn’t so hard. But now comes the next challenge. You must face something that is difficult for anyone. You must give charity to the dark souls roaming in Hell. Help them out with various tasks, though not all are quite as willing.

Bardock could feel the ultimate enemy coarse through him. His veins grew wider, his mind grew lighter, his body felt greater, he was becoming more and more cleansed. His heart rate dropped as his mind settled down. The machine started to go wacko, soon his skin started to burn. In reaction he threw his fist into the side of the machine. His fierce fists drilled deep into it. He brought his foot up to his chest and swung it into the metal side just below the last hole. Once that hole was made he swung his arm down into the bottom of the first. Making it one big hole inside of your typical soul cleanser in hell.

The dead but still very alive Saiyan stepped outside of the broken machine and watched as the eyes as the demon's eyes grew wide.

"The machine.....It's suppose to be invincible, unbreakable," The demon spoke as his eyes grew wider

"I am a Saiyan, we are fearless, I've gained tons of training on earth, I've become the best I could be," Bardock spoke to everyone around him, "I am the strongest the world has seen so you better expect more of me, I'll get right on helping those creatures right away,"

And with that Bardock took off toward some evil creatures to help them even though all they did was cause pain and torment upon the universe.

Bardock opened his mouth to speak to the beast, "Look, I see that your feared around hear but I can't be scared but I can be helpful, I feel you have some good in you and wish to be at least talked to so do you need help with anything."

A little shot of fear went through Bardock's chest as the lizard thing started to speak, " Why, thank you, I was changed to good moments before my death, I saw the good in the universe but I already killed too many to go to heaven actually 500 of these evil things here I killed, I don't wish to be hated all I want to do is be king to them but they all fear me, they fear for there lives even though they don't have one anymore,"

Bardock could see a fairly large frown come upon the lizard beast. His mouth opened up but before he could speak anther demon charged at the lizard beast this one was different it was a vampire. It's fangs ready to sink into it. With a fast reaction the fearless Saiyan shot his image in front of the vampire that ready to attack. The beast's head was forced back as Bardock was right in front of it. Immediately the Saiyan shot his arm out and wrapped his hand around the vampires neck. Then without hesitation he lifted it up and threw his fist into the chest of it. Bardock's body gained a rush of excitement.

He tossed the body like it was nothing, watching the blood drip from the fangs as slammed into the ground. Bardock walked to the limp body and placed his foot on it's chest.

"How about this!" Bardock screamed as his foot pushed against the broken ribs

Bardock's old habits kicked into him from the previous punch. His old thoughts returned, the thoughts of killing thousands of innocents for power went into his mind again. His head shot full of pain that he would remember for years to come. Bardock placed his hands on his head as he swung his body around. His entire body was engulfed in thoughts of killing innocents.

His eyes caught a glimpse of the lizard holding his arm out with a devil smile upon his face the lizard looked like it had taken a bath in several gallons of mucus and guts.

"YOU BASTARD!," Bardock's voice shouted as he took off back at the lizard,

His leg pushed off of the ground as he launched himself toward the beast.


Bardock's foot dug into the side of the evil and manipulative beast. Along with a fast punch to the face.
"I don't have much time before my 3 weeks are up and you try and waste it!

Bardock's next reaction was to quickly appear behind the lying monster. Once his body shimmered away and reappeared behind the beast he swung his elbow down into the neck of it. Upon smacking into it he had several wicked thoughts, the thoughts of killing dozens for power. Something inside of him ticked and his mind went wacko.

He laid his hand flat and threw it into the chest of the monster. The power that he contained sliced through it. Bardock could feel an evil presence inside of him. He was now evil. As he stepped toward the coward souls he could feel them scared, they were almost dead with fear. There I killed this beast that had haunted you all, there's 500 things that weren't scared of him. His deed was done.

Bardock walked to the demon again but this time he wasn't there for goodness. Once he reached it he got close, less then a foot away. Without a second to spare he threw his fist at the chest of the demon that had helped him. It flew backward into the solid ground of hell. Bardock's eyes grew more and more evil as he stomped his foot onto it's chest.

"But, but , I HELPED YOU, I TRIED TO TEACH YOU GOOD!" The demon begged for it's life.

"Listen this whole, "be good" thing isn't working anymore," Bardock told the scared demon.

"You can't just do this to me!"

"Well I am going to kill you and the rest of demons here,"

Bardock forced his foot into the demon's chest, crushing the ribs into the heart and lungs. He watched as blood poured out from it and it's final screams reached the others. The deed was done, and Bardock had only begun to feel the thirst for power. Yes, he could feel it his whole future was going to be evil, for some of his life he was bad then the rest he was good but now he understood, the only thing he did right was killing everyone. Bardock took off toward frighted demons and implanted his fists into their faces. He could see all of them running in fear as he got closer to them. His eyes dimmed to bright red and his skin became stained red as well from the amount of blood that splashed on his face.

Now one can really explain why Bardock's heart gave back into evil, maybe because of the power that he felt and he was reminded of what his life was like before earth, or even before his life it'self. When the Saiyan's were more ferocious and had more evil blood running through them like with the Tuffles. It didn't matter now Bardock couldn't control the thirst for power.

Bardock kept blacking out threw the rest of the massacre. Flashes of red and black shot throughout his eyes. Soon he'd be unstoppable. His eyes opened after hours of slicing and dicing bodies up. He was now back up through the tunnel and in front of King Yemma.

"NOW YOU DIE YOU OLD BASTARD!" Bardock screamed as he fired a fist over the desk and into the old King's gut.

"Bardock!, what has gotten into you!, you were trying to change!" The king shouted as Bardock pulled back from his ferocious punch.

"You think I'm all about good again?,I'm not that way anymore, I wish to kill all that says their "good" and believes everything's fine and dandy. WELL IT'S NOT!" Bardock continued to scream at the King, " Soon , withing hours all of you will be dead and I will control this entire universe!, now get out of my way,"

Bardock fired a deep kick at Yemma but the King had different plans, turns out Yemma was quite smart. He fired a fast punch into Bardock's face, sending him backward against a wall.

"You dirty little punk!" Yemma screamed, "Fine, if you wish to be evil you'll have to restart as new life, You'll be sent to anther body, there you can be as evil as you want,"

"It doesn't matter to me you fat giant piece of garbage, make me into anther being, I don't care even in that being I'll kill you all!"

Bardock watched as the King reached into the Saiyan he could feel a strange feeling overcome him as Yemma's hands grasped onto something. The King yanked out what looked to be a soul. Too bad for Bardock he couldn't see what happened next because his body fell apart, literally. Yemma placed the soul into a machine that shot it down a tube marked "Reincarnation". And thus new evil was headed toward the universe, so two words to all who are reading this story, Watch Out for your death is close even though you can't sense it a major power will begin to kill the remaining people that have claimed strength that should have been Bardock's.

W.C. 1510
Kid Trunks Banned
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