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Training in 60x gravity

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Training in 60x gravity Empty Training in 60x gravity

Post by Yamcha the banned 4/14/2012, 12:24 am

Wolfbrother Yamcha came home with fish that he caught In a pond In Korin's Forest for Puar to cook. The door scanned him and opened after reading Yamcha's energy signature.

The front door slid open from the right to left; the door as well as the whole constructed home itself made from some extremely tough material.As he got In, Yamcha made his way to the kitchen where Puar was waiting.

"Yamcha! you brought dinner!" He smiled as he snuggled Yamcha He then moved back and floated Infront of him continuing to talk. "I'll ready the stoves and start making sushi. You go and train; you must be fully rested now." The blue cat said in a energetic voice as he poofed Into a human chef.

"Very well," Yamcha replied "i'll train In my sparring room with the gravity machine, it's hooked up to my scouter so see ya." Yamcha then left the kitchen and went to the training room he added on to his capsule home.

He entered the gravity chamber. He had his his King Kai suit on with the scouter and sword as usual. As he walked to the center of the room, he pressed a button on his scouter and spoke. "Computer, place gravity enhancement to forty times." The computer hummed and the room began to feel heavyer. How was this going to feel for our young hero?

Yamcha felt the strain of forty times normal gravity before when he trained here before. Ironically, it wasn't as much as he thought it was before. He started by bracing his body for a minute. (Keep your Jin tight!) He yelled at himself telepathically as he gathered his Jin and launched a barrage of flurries while keeping his Jin focused.

The gravity of forty times normal wasn't hard for him to move in anymore. Wolfbrother then lept into the air while spinning with his legs as he preformed a front flip, then landing on his feet. Sweat pouring off Yamcha.

Last time when he had trained under forty times gravity first time the strain was un-bearable. Now he was going to Increase the pressure to an even further amount. This was not a very smart Idea as he hadn’t really mastered the forty times gravity level, only near became a expert.

However he needed to grow stronger and he needed to Increase his training. Forty times would not do, he needed more. Forty-five times would do, but this time he was going to take It to the limit with sixty times.

The room was solid granite. There was solid granite tiles on the walls, ceiling and floors. He then pressed a button on his scouter and spoke "Computer. Enhance the gravity In this room to the maximum I can take." The area then lit up and Wolfbrother Yamcha was scanned, the scouter then replied, "Scan complete. Now raising the gravity to suitable levels, sixty times normal gravity"

Wolfbrother Yamchai tried to prepare himself for this but there was no way that anyone could be ready for this. He felt the weight of a planet on his whole body. He tried his hardest to stay on his feet but even with all the other training he had done he was not prepared for this. He fell to his knees.

They hit the cold surface of his floor hard, he thought that his legs would have cracked from the Impact but luckily they were fine. Wolfbrother Yamchai on the other hand was not going as good. With the gravity he could barely move. Sweat was already dripping of his face, flying past his eyes as It hit the ground.

He hadn’t even moved under the gravity and he was already exhausted. He could feel his own organs being pushed around with the weights. His lungs were getting cramped and his breathing started to Increase. He couldn’t stay down on his knees for much longer; he needed to make room Inside himself by standing up.

He brought his hands to the ground and started to push himself upwards. His sweat underneath him was already turning to a puddle. He tried with all his might to get himself off the ground. He knew what he had to do to get up; he started to power-up.

His aura turned Into a dark Indigo as he jumped up off the ground. When he was back on his feet he powered down. Now that he was on his feet and he had experienced the gravity It was slightly easier for him, slightly. It was still and hard challenge. He knew that there was evil within the universe and that In futures that he'd be faced with even harder challenges.

That was Yamcha's Inspiration; the evil In the universe must be stopped all costs. Compared to the dark energies he was sensing on a contiuous basis, some were weak and some were his level. Some were even stronger.

How was Yamcha expecting of fighting when he could barely train under sixty times gravity. Scratch that, he couldn’t train under forty times gravity. He needed to try harder and to push his limits further than ever before. He couldn’t let his teachers down. No, he would make sure that he didn’t. Now It was time to get the real training started.

So how was he going to be training today? He had used many different routines while under gravity but how was he going to do It today? Well he decided that he was going to start of his training with some basic work, It wasn’t like he could do anything more than basic. So what was basic under forty time’s gravity?

Well he was going to start with some stretches. If he pulled a muscle while working under this gravity he feared that he would not be able to make It out. Crawling was just as hard as running In this gravity If not more. H

e raised his arms up and extended them as high as he could. Then he put his arms back to his side, resting them. It was a struggle just to keep them up In the air. Next he extended his legs out. Once he was done with stretching he started the real workout.

Now he was going to do some advanced gravity push-ups. He had done push-ups before but under this gravity It was going to be much harder. He got to the ground and took his position. He put his hands flat on the ground and tried to push himself up.

He failed miserably. It was embarrassing how he couldn’t even get through one. He was lucky the king wasn’t here to watch, what kind of fighter couldn’t even do a push-up? But just because he couldn’t do It doesn’t mean that he wouldn’t keep trying.

He wasn’t one to give up, not anymore. He kept going until he eventually could do one. After that he once again collapsed with exhaustion. It took everything that he had to be able to train under this gravity.

He stood back up, wiping away the build-up of sweat he was brewing on his forehead. Next he was going to do some jogging around the gravity chamber. He hadn’t even tried to move around In the forty times gravity situation yet so this would be a challenge.

He tried to pull his leg forward Into a forwards motion but It just fell limp. How was he ever going to do this? He wasn’t going to give up, that was for sure.

He stood back up and tried to get going once more. He was able to get a few good steps In before he collapsed. He was slowly getting the hand of It, slowly. He got back up and decided to move onto some Ki exercises.

He put both of his hands to his sides and began to charge up Ki In them. Two, small blue balls of Ki began to grow from his hands. He placed both hands together and cupped them to his right hip and gathered a blue ball of energy.

He then put even more energy Into the ball and created one larger blue ball of KI. He gave a smile to nothing In particular then fired. “KAMEHAMEHA!”

A blue beam of Ki fired from out his hands, although It did not last very long. It took an Immense strain on Wolfbrother Yamchai to keep the beam going and he couldn’t even get It to the wall. He dropped down, once more exhausted.

He decided that he had enough for one day. He pressed a button on his scouter and spoke. "Shut down gravity levels." As the gravity turned off he felt better and a bit stronger. However he would be back to master the gravity.

He then walked out of the gravity room and went back to the kitchen to have sushi with Puar.

Yamcha was anxious to go back In and train once more, he was scarfing down the sushi very quickly to get his energy back. He then looked at the water bottle he got from Mr. Popo. He then put that bottle to his lips and was revitalized.

"Hey Puar! Thanks for dinner but I'm going back to training. I really think i can master sixty times enhanced gravity" He said after taking his dish to the sink and washing It with a cleaning agent called Mrs. Capsule. The cleaning agent was clear and It had Mrs. Briefs face on the front.

Puar shot up from the table. "SITXY TIMES ENHANCED GRAVITY?!" The blue cat yelled outloud. "That's AMASING! No went from amasing to SPECTACULAR!! YAY!!" Puar cheered in a happy tone as Wolfbrother finished the cleaning of the dish. he then walked back Into the gravity room.

The fighting room door closed behind him and he pressed a button on his scouter. "computer, set gravity machine to sixty times enhanced gravity"

The gravity turned on and Wolfbrother Yamchafelt the pressure. It was as he thought even worse than last time. His Insides were being forced down, and so was the rest of his body. He was being pushed to the ground and he had to use his hands to keep himself up.

He struggled back onto his feet, there was no time to be defeated by gravity, and he needed to train. He forced himself to stay on his feet while he trained. He was not going to be pushed around by this gravity.

He was standing on his feet, barely but he was still standing. It was hard to stay up however, his bones were telling him to get out of the chamber while his mind was keeping him In. now how was he going to train? He could start with some jogging, to get him warmed up for the real training. He powered up and tried to start jogging.

The gravity was so Intense that every time his foot hit the ground In created a large crashing sound that echoed the room. He could barely keep his feet going and his entire body was sweeting. He was getting tired so easily, he would never last against the world trade organisation. He needed to keep going, he couldn’t stop his training. He could let Boliko down.

After he was too exhausted to continue he decided to move onto the next part of his training. He began to power up, transforming to his Beast form. Under this gravity his Ki no mortal would be too dangerous. At least while he was under his Beast’s Influences there was no one around he could hurt.

He was going to work on his Ki while here. So far he had been mostly focused on Improving his strength but now his Ki needed some work. If he only focused on strength then his Ki would weaken. He needed to Improve on his speed on charge up times and he needed to work on the power behind It.

He put his hands to his side and began to power up Ki. Two small blue Ki balls appeared from his hands. He placed his hands together.


He continued power up until both of the Ki balls were together as one.


Then when he was fully charged and complete, he thrusted his hands In front of his, creating a pillar of Blue Ki In front of him.

The blue pillar continued flying In front of him, hitting the wall In front of him. Luckily the gravity had weakened the attack so no major damage was done to the wall. He was only able to keep the pillar going for a few seconds before his body could no longer continue. His body fell limp and he hit the ground. He stood back up and followed the same process.


This time he didn’t waste any time charging up, he fired straight away. This time the beam was weaker since Wolfbrother Yamchadidn’t charge however It was easier to maintain. He kept It going for as long as he could before he finally gave up.

Yamcha was going to now work on his Ki burst technique. It was a good technique however he needed to Increase Its power. He needed to Increase how fast he was and how far he could use It for. He started to power up once more, his aura was blasting around him.

He charged up his Ki burst that he'd do for rush attacks and began using It. He started with something easy such as using It to move around. Under the gravity It took a lot of Ki but It was much faster than walking.

He used his Ki burst which was pretty much putting Ki In your legs and letting them move so fast It looks like your flying to travel around the four sides of his gravity chamber.

After two rotations Wolfbrother Yamcha had to stop to rest. This was much harder than when he first thought. There was no way he was able to keep going under this gravity. He decided he had enough for one day and gave up.

He pressed a button on his scouter and spoke Computer [huff, huff] Shut down gravity

The gravity shut down and Yamcha went to his bedroom to lie down and go to sleep. He clapped his hands and the lights went out In the room.

His bed absorbed sweat and puffed out a sweet scent throughout the mattress which would keep him smelling good. Amen to Capsule Corps.

2,459 Words
Yamcha the banned
Yamcha the banned
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