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Post Building 101 A

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Post Building 101 A Empty Post Building 101 A

Post by Broly 8/28/2012, 7:44 pm

Environment can be defined as the setting or conditions in which a particular activity is carried on.

For Post Building 101 A (out of C) we'll work on establishing the environment and describing your surroundings. This comes in handy during introductory posts, and posts where you need more content/depth. For every roleplay, you have a setting. This setting can be, literally, any time or place.

For example, you could be a samurai in 1600 AD. You could be a Saiyan Warrior scavenging for survivors on some distant planet among the stars. Hell, you could be a wizard-robot installing repairs. You will, always, have a setting. I will, in this lesson, both provide examples of a clearly established setting and a poorly established setting. I will then ask you to create a setting, and coach you on furthering it.

Here's an excerpt from a post in the battle between Broly's minion, Kale, and Eilee (Kiyza's character).


Note that in that excerpt, details on the setting are sprinkled throughout, as opposed to piled up one after another. If you overload your reader with a ton of information at once, they're not going to be very interested. It's for that reason that I, personally, choose to add a bit of flavor to my description.

Kale is a low class Saiyan; so I picked out the comparison to a battle field. If he were a maid, it might look more like a messy mass of woodland. If he were a male nurse, perhaps the trail on the ground would look less like a landing strip, and more like a dirt covered walkway.

Each character will see something differently, just as each person will see their world differently. Each of you will read this in a different voice, and each of you will express that different voice in your writing style. For that reason, I'm going to ask you all to describe the same setting. Don't be afraid of repeating a word someone else has used, and don't be afraid of messing up. If you need improvement on establishing the environment, I'll coach you.

However, first, I promised an example of SOLID, and POOR environment establishment. This will be written on the fly, as most of my posts are, but with noticeably different style (which'll be covered in Lesson 101 C)


Note that I described the environment with a mixture of details and comparisons. Similes, as you may know, are a comparison that use the words "Like" or "as". They are really helpful in establishing a mental picture of your environment. I also described everything as if I was describing it to a blind man. A blind man may not know what a horror movie looks like, but he knows that the trees on the horizon should scare an average joe.

Now, for an example of poor setting establishment.


Now, note in the above example that there was a far lower word count. That was because, instead of sprinkling the environmental details throughout and adding flavor, I just plowed through the description. A good environmental description is not simply poured on thick; it's like the snow I mentioned in the first example.

It falls and clumps together to form the picture you want to paint, when coupled with your character's personality. Broly would see the snow as an annoyance, where Kale simply takes it as something he has to deal with. Everybody, as I said, has a different taste and flavor.

For your assignment, I want you to describe the area featured above. To the north is a mountain range; to the south, wasteland. To the east is a river, which you can describe as being cracked, frozen, flowing, etc. To the west is a massive woodland, filled with dead trees (as it's mid-winter). Describe the environment by sprinkling it throughout your post, as opposed to describing it all at once.

As filler content, place in your character's observation about each detail and sensation. Are they used to the cold, or have they never experienced a human winter? Do they like snow, or do they hate it? Have they ever been forced to wander through a woodland like that?

You can enter from any side of the environment and you an enter at any time of the day, but all you can do is enter. You can enter in any way you like, whether it be by swimming downstream like a psych patient, or stumbling through the woods. You cannot, for example, kill or fight something. Nor can you blow something up, or leave the environment.

The WC I would like you each to meet is 550 for this post. If you'd like, try to make a breakdown like this:

400 Personal Observation/Reflection/Thought
150 Environmental (at least one simile or metaphor)

The excerpt from my battle with Kiyza was about 400 out of the 900 words involved in the post. Prior to that, I had established the environment further by describing the time of day and the other things going on in my character's life. Feel free to do so.

If you fail to make the word count necessary, don't worry. I'm here to help, not to scold! I'll gladly help you bolster your WC to a higher level (as that's the point of the class). Good luck on your first lesson!

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Post Building 101 A Empty Re: Post Building 101 A

Post by Gaza 8/28/2012, 8:06 pm

Snow fell down from the heavens, collecting together like an energy wave ready to be released. The white desolation seemed to cover everything within Gaza's sight range. Such appeared to be the case, here on Earth, more so in this area. The crisp snow crunched under Gaza's battle boots, cleaning them of the bloodstains he'd accrued over his recent encounters. The sound resonated within his ears, killing the cold silence that was this snowy tundra.

He was unsure of exactly where he was, but the entire planet was not covered in snow, so he had a general idea. Stopping at the beginning of a sudden slope, a rather large one in fact. The young Saiyan's senses were all he had to tell his location.

The sun still pulsed down heat into Gaza's cold skin, he was thankful for it. He trekked towards the mountains and, based on the suns position later in the day, lay north. The cold bit more at him, as he was not used to such weather, not being in a place that required exposure to such. Had he known the climate of where he was going, he would have dressed more appropriately.

He was not worried of what people thought of him, if they poked fun for him not expecting the cold, for he had nobody truly close to him, though he imagined Vegeta laughing at his misfortune. That, for some reason, was motivation enough to push on through the thick forested base of the mountain, trees reaching towards the sky, spooky and eerie looking. It was torn and distraught as if some sort of battle had taken place recently, and Gaza felt a bit upset he had missed it.


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Post Building 101 A Empty Re: Post Building 101 A

Post by John Dark 8/31/2012, 6:37 pm

Dread wrote:John had experienced complete blackness before and it came as no surprise to him that he willingly traversed it again. The sun had long since set after the brief few hours of daylight it had provided. Even then, its light had been pitiful and colorless after having travelled countless miles only to contend with a solid gray barrier of dreary clouds.

The night was well advanced and clouds continued obscuring the sky. They made their presence evident through the absence of any amount of starlight or moonlight that proved prevalent on any clear night in the wilderness. John proceeded carefully and relied on his ears, feet, and hands to guide him as his eyes proved useless to him with the given situation.

The nearby roar of water crashing down from on high soothed John. Its melodious sound instantly dissolved whatever fears he may have had in regards to other beings braving the darkness as he did. He paused for a few minutes and focused on the flow that helped assuage all his worries away. It informed him that a river ran somewhere in the distance to his left and that an adjoining waterfall helped accelerate its passing. Its placement and its course supplied comforting definition to his surroundings.

He made a mental note to use the river as a guide back toward whence he came if he managed to lose his way. He may have survived such darkness before, but he suffered from no delusions that he was invincible to it or its denizens. He simply remained calm because fear led to panic and panic led to sloppy decisions. Not for the first time, John found himself wishing that his ki lit up instead of offering only depthless black; it would have made for a useful light otherwise.

John measured his steps carefully and, with every leg forward, he tested the ground before placing his weight down onto either of his feet. Snow crunched softly beneath his shoes; its chill began to irritate his toes if only slightly. If a little cold was all he suffered that night, however, then he would greet the morning with a lively smile. I should have worn something warmer or at least brought a coat. He thought to himself as he shivered.

The ground inclined somewhat, indicating that he was heading uphill. He wondered if he was moving toward the waterfall. He stopped again to keep the crunch, crunch, crunch of his steps from interfering with its sound. The river proved neither closer to nor farther from him than when he first heard it. He almost felt disappointed, especially since he had long since learned to enjoy the hypnotic tune of flowing water. He consoled himself with the fact that it accompanied him on his journey like a loyal friend. He almost laughed at the thought, a natural friend for the naturally friendless!

His outstretched fingertips along his right hand brushed against something rough, solid, and covered in a thin layer of frost. He realized he had encountered a tree and knew it stood directly in front of him as though futilely attempting to bar his way. He moved around it, keeping to his left (The direction from which he continued hearing the river) and maintained his arms ahead of him.

If he was walking toward the thicker regions of the forest, he knew he would have to alter course many more times to circumvent additional trees. Doing so carried an immeasurable risk of getting lost. He adamantly decided to backtrack immediately at any point the sound of water became distant. He would also stop somewhere for the night if he ever concluded traveling in such darkness proved impossible.
John Dark
John Dark

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Post Building 101 A Empty Re: Post Building 101 A

Post by Amara 9/1/2012, 5:06 pm

The breath-taking sight of the snow flakes slowly descending from the sky, like angels descending from the heavens themselves, and onto the soil to cover everything that was in sight in a pure white blanket, was truly something to experience for most. For the young Saiyan that was given the name Amara, the snow was nothing special or new to her. She had no desire to take in the sights or experience nature in all it's splendor. To her, this wasn't a sight-seeing vacation not was it a small break. The Goddess of War was always in battle and as such, she must see everything as a war zone to better prepare herself for the inevitable onslaught that any enemy she made would bring. She didn't just see an ordinary, everyday clearing or some wide open expanse of field though, oh no. What she saw was a death trap, a place that she would be little more then prey in without anything to use as cover. Wide open areas with little-to-no cover were always something that should be avoided unless there was no other choice for Amara, only using them as battlefields under two conditions. The conditions were if there was no other type of field condition to do battle in or if there was an advantage she could gain through using the wide open space.

She took some time to analyze the surroundings with narrowed eyes in a cautious manner, knowing very well that one of the first lessons of waging war was to not get complacent or cocky. That did not mean one should just avoid everything just because it might be risky. After all, risks were sometimes necessary in war and could have a high payoff if lady luck was in your favor. After all, only a moron would believe there wasn't some small amount of luck that goes into waging war or participating in some kind of battle. As she let her thoughts race, she looked up at the sky, noticing that the stars and moon were out tonight. If she were to hazard a guess from all of that survival training she had gone through both on Ralkaar and now on Earth, it would be somewhere just after midnight. It wasn't a full moon tonight on this planet, which was much more common then one would think, so looking at the moon wouldn't make her transform into an Oozaru.

She had found this little winter wonderland, as it were, during her trip through the very mountains she had just raced through. She didn't feel it was necessary to waste a certain amount of energy flying when pure foot speed could work just as well. Mountain ranges, she found, were a little more common on this planet then on her own. She had always held a small appreciation for the imposing mountains of stone as they worked as natural defenses to opposing fighters and could be used as hideouts for anyone that's trying to keep themselves from being found. While she held some small amount of praise for them though, there was also the fact that mountains could also drastically slow down the movement of allies as well as enemies. It was possible, with time anyway, to learn the best ways of traveling through the imposing, naturally made walls of stone and rock but sometimes, you did not have that amount of time necessary to learn when there was an enemy after you. Her mind was almost always stuck on war and as such, she thought over the pros and cons that using the natural terrain around her she would be cursed and gifted with.

After she was through with analyzing the the mountain ranges, she turned her gaze to the west, where a once impressive forest laid. No doubt in other seasons, there would be dark green, or even yellow, brown and some shade of red if in the right season, leaves hanging from the trees. Now though, the forest was dead and therefore, less useful to her since there was nowhere as much cover she could use in the future battles to come. That was one thing she hated about the cold, the winter seasons and all the snow eliminating natural plant-life that could be used to provide cover in the event that stealth and trickery were required to pull off some maneuver that could turn the tide of battle. Due to the colder season killing off the leaves, the only thing that was left from the barrage of snow and cold temperatures were dead trees and the occasional shiver that Amara unwillingly let out from the nearly subzero temperatures.

As she turned her attention to the lake in the east, she took some time to go ahead and scan the area with her scouter, an object that thankfully wasn't affected by whatever temperature it was. Scouters had gone under numerous tests to force them to endure from the onslaughts of varying temperatures, atmospheres and natural elements it was forced to endure. She reached up with a freezing finger to press the button on her scouter as she analyzed the entire area with her eye-covering device. There weren't any noteworthy powerlevels that she could see but made her scan more thorough just in case. Only a fool would do something such as this and not make a thorough sweep of the area. You never knew whether or not your enemy was trying to suppress his or her powers and was trying to hide from you, just waiting to strike when you were vulnerable.

Once her scan was done, she turned to look at the river, one that was completely iced over by the frigid temperatures, a temperature so cold that she had to constantly clench and relax her fingers so she could prevent them from becoming numb from the intense cold. Seeing a frozen river was nothing new to the young Saiyan. After all, she had seen many of such frozen rivers when she was growing up on Ralkaar. However, just because she was used to it does not mean she didn't dislike it. While she was hesitant to admit it, she still had to consume food and water and as such, bodies of water freezing over served as major inconveniences. Sure she could just thaw out whatever river or lake or such that she came across but that would take time. In battle, the amount of time you had was very short due to the enemies you are facing trying to kill you. She wasn't going to let her guard down though just because her scouter didn't detect anything however. She wasn't feeling famished though so she didn't bother trying to thaw out part of the lake, for now anyway.

Her gaze turned to the final area of interest, which was a wasteland located in the south. Wastelands and deserts were almost as bad as flat expanses of land and wide open plains because of how little cover there was for her use. While most Saiyans would call her a coward because they considered every place they fought to be worthy, she was much more cautious was very leery of such areas. Wide open areas made it much easier for long-range fighters to locate you and attack you from afar. Being up close and in their face was more her style, especially because it was what she was good at. Being in areas where long range fighters couldn't get a clean, clear shot of her and were forced to fight her at close range was always the type of battle field she always tried to ensure she fought on.


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Post Building 101 A Empty Re: Post Building 101 A

Post by Novashen 9/2/2012, 3:27 pm

The sky above him was filled with gray clouds, stretching as far as the human eye could see. Though the day was still young as rays of light still managed to pierce the gray veil that shrouded the land, allowing him to continue his hunt for his lunch for that day. The air this high in the sky was clean and crisp, free of the pollutants that contaminated the air closer to the ground. Not that he needed to breathe, no he was sniffing the air making sure that he kept the scent of his lunch firm in his nostrils affirming he was on the right path.

Novashen flew gently upon the brisk winds of winter, not that he felt any discomfort from the cold. The weakest of his kind was far sturdier then even the hardiest of the humans. He had just finished passing over a massive mountain range, one whose peaks reached high into the heavens causing him to occasionally have to alter his flight path so could avoid colliding with it. He had been busy scanning the mountain range for signs of his quarry, but had only animals running around looking for food.

“Keh heh, I cannot wait to get my hands on that little mouse,” Novashen cackled, a sly smile playing across his face as he reveled in the chase his quarry had given him so far.

As he powered his flight systems down little by little he began to glide gently towards the ground, like an angel descending from the heavens in all it's regal glory. At least that's what Novashen compared himself to in his own twisted mind. All around him little flakes of white fell lightly brushing against his skin, delivering it's touch of cold. There was a beauty here, a kind of peace that even the most violent of creatures would have difficulty resisting.

“Ha ha, I should blow this place to ashes!” the Prince cackled once again, the call of serene wild falling upon deaf ears.

Scanning the area too see if he could locate his quarry with his enhanced vision, Novashen looked off far in the distance, first his gaze rested upon a massive river. It's waters had been partially frozen by the freezing temperatures of winter, and was cracked and frozen in some places and in others it flowed freely, not willing to rest completely.

“Hmm, nope he didn't go that way. Not unless he wanted to be a frozen ice cube,” Novashen decided, turning his gaze from the river to straight in front of him.

His eyes rested on what seemed to be land that had been long barren of life, only the smallest of bushes seemed to thrive. It looked like a great beast had rampage through the land, tearing the plants apart and releasing a deadly plague as it went killing everything in it's path. The sight seemed lovely to Novashen, holding him transfixed for long moments as he reveled in it's beauty. After a time, a single tear rolled down his cheek, a single salty tear the sensation of it running down his cheek snapping him back to his senses.

“No, he would not be that way. One such as he could not live for long there,” with reluctance the Prince tore his gaze away from desolate land, his hunt was more important then admiring the beauty of the land.

The last direction he could gazed in seemed to be more promising, as he spied masses of trees that were sitting long dormant during the winter weather, most had shed their leaves which undoubtedly sat in large piles buried beneath the snow. There was the occasional tree that had torn free from the ground, the combination of heavy snow and a long rotten trunk proving too much for it to bear. The forest was a delightful brown, a partial sign of decay, unlike the wasteland before though this land still bore life. Come spring most of the trees would again grow leaves, and continue to live long healthy lives.

“A shame that this place stands,” Novashen muttered under his breath, but just as he felt his mood darkening his sensors alerted him to a residual trail of heat.

It was easy to see in the freezing winter air, glowing foot prints that shone red to indicate a creature with warm blood pumping through it's veins had passed through not too long ago. Though he would have to hurry, the cold air would quickly rob him of his trail if he did not hurry leaving him without a clue as to where his quarry had run.

Word Count - 840

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