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Initiation Fasha Completed

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Initiation Fasha Completed Empty Initiation Fasha Completed

Post by OldFasha 2/24/2012, 4:10 am


Easy Quest

Requirement: Must be a Saiyan or Half-Saiyan.

Reward: 1,000 zeni and a Third-Class Commendation.

You may be a member of the Saiyan Army now, but you have a long way to go before you can prove yourself, runt. King Vegeta has a simple task for you to test your ability. We want to resale a nearby planet, Tranex. Go there with your squad, wipe them out, and reclaim the planet in the name of the King.

" Kaaaaa maaaaaaiiii ...... " Fasha shouts out awaking from her sleep gritting her teeth while her hands formed into tight fists shaking viciously with bright white balls of energy surrounding each one. Finding that the dream she had was just that a dream. Taking deep long breath she told herself " it was only a dream" as she was trying to calm herself down concealing the powers within her. She looked around the room as she smelt burning charcoal aroma that filled the air within her room.

Fasha ended up sending ki blasts during her sleep leaving holes in the ceiling and the walls about her. " Hmmph..they deserved it any ways.." she thought seeing all the destruction that she did over night. Shrugging it off with little care walking to her locker that was tilted on its side looking all battered up the door hung open slightly with the scouter hanging on the edge as if it was holding on for its life not wanting to fall. " How ironic" she thought to herself while taking a hold of the scouter placing it onto her ear.

Prepared for the travel to Planet Tranex Fasha walked to her pod looking at her crew noticing that the short messy Horenso was missing. Taking a hold of the side of her pod she steeped in turning herself around to settling in comfortably agents the padded pod. Switching the scouter on ready to take the planet on Fasha could barely wait.

" What are we waiting for?" Fasha asked with annoyance that she had to wait.

" We're waiting on Renkon. It seems that Horenso wont be joining us dew to taking a blow during the night." the Commander Kyuri replied back.

Fasha grinned chuckling in her mind hearing the reason, " Never did like him" she spoke to herself quietly. Not realizing that she had spoke it clearly threw the scouter placing her arms crossed behind her head.

" I heard that! " Kyuri responded out of no where.

Fasha didn't care if they did heard it or not she spoke her mind and wasn't shy sharing her thoughts or feelings about anything or anyone. Resting back while watching who enters the room while they waited she saw Renkon enter and walked quietly to his pod she pressed the button of the controller closing the door of her pod. The Pods lifted off the ground hovering in the air sending dust flying about the room. Fasha listened closely to the cordanets to Planet Tranex setting them in the main panel. Taking off knowing the others would take their naps to rest before the battle a head she took her time and studied the information that was gathered about the Planet.

" Computer whats the time length till we arrive?" Fasha asked

" Two months and one week" it replied back with a soft female voice.

" Hmm... i see." speeking out loud to herself as the scouter was turned off. After a few hours studying and plotting her stragity she closed her eyes deciding to rest before arriving at her location.

" you awake?" a tired tone voice transmit over.

"Go back to sleep Nasu! " Kyuri spoke in anger.

Kyuri never was the type to be nice if his sleep was interrupted. The rumor was that Kyuri was on a mission with his partner they got along as if it was his twin brother every thing they did they did it together since childhood. His partner came up to him one night thinking it would be funny to pull a little trick on Kyuri but instead of remaining silent a pebble rolled along the ground awaking Kyuri. With anger kyuri asked what the meaning of waking him up his partner stood still shocked how simple it was to wake him up he explained to Kyuri about his little plan. With out a word spoken Kyuri vanished before his eyes finding him self flying forward towards a mountain side with a sudden blow to the back. Before his partner could hit the surface of the mountain side Kyuri Blasted him away with Galick Gun. Since then no one ever awaken him with out a good reason nor would they dare go near him while he sleeps.

" Bu....." Nasu was about to speak only to remember the rumor that was told he quickly hushed putting his question to rest.

Two months and one week past " wake up Planet Tranex in sight" the computer spoke.

Fasha opened her eyes seeing the Planet threw the window. rubbing her hands together causing friction making them warmer a huge grin appeared " Perfect" she thought to herself.
Turing on her scouter listening in to see if the others were awake only hearing breathing from each while she remained silent. Noticing that her pod was leaving the others her brow raised, " Perhaps this is a test" she thought with out a question spoken out loud to her commander she accepted this departure. Her pod had been taken in to the gravity pull of the planet sending it speeding down faster and faster breaking open the clouds as if it was a bullet leaving its targets wound only to Crash into the river below.

The pod door opened sending the water rushing into the pod soaking Fasha's Armor. Steeping out of the pod Fasha looked around the area while rising out of the water that was quickly filling up the creator her pod had made in the crash making it turn into a lake. Landing on the grass to that was in front of her she was alone in this little wilderness. Her Armor was heavier than what she was used to now that it was soaked but she did not let that hold her back but used it to her advantage taking it as training she only could get a bit stronger by this weight.

"Well then lets see here" Fasha spoke looking into her scouter scanning for the highest power level with in the planet. Turning to face east she spots the highest levels just a little ways away in a small village. With out a word spoken rising off the ground the grass blew forward covering each strand of the next with a sudden blast back sending soil up covering the spot she once stood and behind leaving the soil covered grass behind her as she flew to Village. The plans was set in her mind though she pondered where the others were for a moment " Maybe they are taking on a city not to far away" she thought.

Seeing the village quickly appearing she stopped right in front of the door to a farm house with little sound that no one noticed she was there. Fasha heard foot steps with in the house while the mother of the small family of three was preparing dinner for them and the Father telling his son about his past.

" How big was it daddy?" the tiny voice of the son appeared.

" This big " the father rose his arms out wide showing his son.

Crash!... the door fell to the wooden floor breaking into pieces from the blow of the kick that Fasha put forth. Silence broke out from the family shaken up from the sudden burst as a plate fell out of the mother's shaking hands landing onto the ground sending shards porcelain scattered about the surface. The Father quickly pushed his son behind and into the hidden cubby by the fire place. E

" What is the meaning of this?" the father spoke out with anger.

Laughing like a maniac Fasha found humor in their reaction. " I come in the name of King Vegeta!" quickly ending the laughter as she spoke in a serious manner.

The father eyes lit with fire hearing Fasha's words, this was not the first time he heard the name King Vegeta. He had a history with King Vegeta long ago placing his right hand onto his left shoulder tightly as if it was a fresh wound. The wife stood still looking pure white as if she saw a ghost she only had heard the story of King Vegeta from her beloved husband. Fasha stood firm at the door way focusing the energy that ran threw her veins looking over towards the wife Fasha raised her arm out towards the wife with open palm Fasha let a blast go. The husband to slow to react saw the contact of the blast to his wife sending her flying to the wall harshly. The body of his wife sled to the ground after smashing into the wall leaving her lifeless.

"AKEMI!..." He calls out in pain and anger.

The child remained silent in the cubby shaking in fright hearing the shout of his dad the tears of the boy ran down his face. The child didn't know what was happening but knew it could not be good by the sounds that surrounded him. He wanted to call out to his dad and mom but he could not. The Father looked back at Fasha with haterid growling out he charged straight towards her knocking her back a couple of steps from where she stood.

" Ha ha ha ha... Is that all you have? and here i thought you to be strong" Fasha spoke out thinking if this was truly all he had it would make this task simple and quick to finish.

The Father only stood in place breathing heavily gritting his teeth his purple flesh turned darker clutching his fists tightly together. He looked up at Fasha with a little smite chuckle while he had prepared for another attack gathering all the energy he could. Fasha found this Tranexien to be interesting he wasn't only sending the vibes of the energy but a strange smell like flowers. " so it is true they do smell when furious" she thought to herself.

" Now where were we?" Fasha broke the moment of silents between them. " Oh yea that's right i was just about to end your life"

Fasha had keeped the energy building up within her making a swift upward motion with with her hand. Her ki spreads out in all directions and makes a huge area-wide explosion thinking that he surly fall to his death from the blow. What Fasha did not expect was that the blow she intended for the father had hit the hidden child as well leaving him lifeless curled up in a fetal position covered in the debray of the house that once stood. Floating up in the air Fasha looked down for the body of the father only to see the area that he once stood cleared. Fasha Slammed down harshly to the soil filled ground leaving an imprint behind as she was hit with a Buster Cannon from the back. Fasha pushed herself up out of the ground wiping the blood away from her mouth looking upwards to the tired father.

" Ahh there it is" Fasha spoke as a grin appeared on her face.

Fasha loved a good challenge never liking things to be simple, if she saw something was to be simple she would seek ways to bring it out to be challenging. The Father looked shocked seeing Fasha standing as if it all he had was nothen to her. Fasha's armor was scratched with a little chip missing where the blow had hit.

" How can this be?" he thought unable to pull away from his stare. " King Vegeta was not joking.. his promise was to be fa filled". Shaking from the results he could only stare he was to tired he gave his all to Fasha.

Fasha looked to the side of her to the ruins of the house " Perhaps i should put your misery to rest before you die."

" NOOO!.." the father burst out his eyes widens watching Fasha walking to the ruins.

He already had to bare the loss of his wife but the loss of his son he could not bare. He trys to gather enough ki to blast at Fasha shouting out " GRRAHHH!!!" a blast hits Fasha but only left a small mark on her armor. Fasha continued to the ruins seeing the flesh of the child showing threw the debrey. Reaching over taking a hold of the child's arm she pulled the child out finding him hanging loosely in the air swaying back and forth slowly.

"Tisk Tisk what a shame i was really looking forward in playing with you too." Fasha tossed the child's body to the side with discuss.

The father shed a single tear in silents as his heart broke into million piece finding that his one and only son dead before his eyes. Fasha turned facing the broken father disappointed that her fun was about to end faster than she thought it would. Putting it rest Fasha use a current of ki to pushed herself at super speeds, flying towards him like an arrow that seeked out its victim plunging straight through him. His body arched forward in the air as he took his last breath before falling to the ground below.

" Fasha!" a voice broke the silence

"Yea im here what is it?" Fasha spoke out sending it threw the scouter.

" Was seeing if you were still alive" Kyuri responded

" Had douts did you commander?" This was not anything shocking to Fasha as she was getting used to them douting her.

Silence fell as she listened for a response but none came threw, "Commander?" Fasha asked not liking the silence .. " Perhaps he is busy " she thought for the moment while looking over to the village seeing that the rest of the village was weak. Sighing she gathered the ki sending a large Ki Blast to the village destroying it within a second. " One down now to join the others" she spoke to herself as she had done multiple times before. Scanning for the power levels she detected her commanders.. seeing it lowering before her thinking this is not good. With unsettling feeling with in her stumic Fasha headed to the city to the North of her.

Arriving at the city she sees one crew member laying face down into the rubbled road along with the Tranexiens. Kyuri was battling with one of the soldiers there was no dout in Fasha's mind that Kyuri would make it out alive. As the city quickly became nothen but ruins she stood back watching in amusement. Kyuri finishes the fight as the lifeless body was tossed towards Fasha's feet as if Kyuri was looking for any weakness with in her.

It was getting dark and the crew had taken over one third of the planet Kyuri singled the others to join him as he sat on a knocked over light post. Fasha joined him and the remaining two of her group all were looking rather roughed up but only one did not make it out alive. Kyrui looked over to the fallen Saiyan with a snort.

" It seems that we had lost one of our members." Kyrui spoke out

" He was weak" spoke Renkon the tallest one of the bunch.

" That may be so but he is still one of us" Kyrui responded back

With that to be said Fasha looked over to face the body silently before looking back at fire in front of them from one of the vehicles left behind. All was silent but crackling of the fires that remained burning threw out the city the debrey of the buildings and houses fell around them. Reaching over taking a hold of a lepraz a creature similar to a humans dog Fasha placed it over a post that stood on an angel threw the vehicle. The blood of the lepraz ran down her hands and forearms she taking a hold of torn fabric that blew along the ground as she knelt on one knee using the fabric as a cloth she wiped the blood off her hands and arms leaving them clean. Tieing the new cloth to her belt fasha decided to keep it as a keep sake for remembrance of this day. The lepraz was baking away sending out mouth watering aroma in the air around them.

" Are you not scared that the smell will atrack the Tranexiens to us?" asked Daikon the silent one.

Laughing broke loose from Kyrui, Renkon and Fasha as she slapped her own knee. They were not frightened by the others they just took care of the three most powerful beings there was on the planet. It was soon to be theirs to claimed in the name of their kings name. Daikon was known to be the silent type it was rare hearing him speak where if you had you were one lucky saiyan. Daikon shifted his foot pushing the bodies away from his path while he prepared his spot to sleep in for the night.

" I mean would it not be best just best to say that we defeated the planet and claim it?" Daikon asked more to his self as he began to think on the event from today.

"How dare you to even think that soldier" Renkon bursts out taking a stance forming a fist.

" Stand down Renkon" Kyrui spoke rising onto his feet looking at the two" If it was up to anyone to bring him down it is up to me"

Fasha took the lepraz of the post ripping one of the legs off the body then took a bite out of the leg " mmm this is actually good" she tosses the cooked corpse over to Kyrui.

Catching the corps in his hands taking his share before passing it about the group. Kyrui sat back down on the light post once Renkon seemed to have settled down. Daikon settled down in the spot that he had cleared out stunned that Renkon heard what he said not thinking that they were paying attention to him at the time. But Renkon sinced something from Daikon that sat a bitter taste in his mouth from the first moment they met and swore to himself to keep a close eye on him.

"Rest up soldiers we have a long day a head of us yet" Kyrui said tossing the bone into the fire before closing his eyes.

Fasha fell asleep shortly after the others next to the fire keeping warm as the night was known to be bitter cold. Nasu's Body remained where it had landed untouched by the crew. Time pasted by while they sleeted as a sudden movement from the distance came near the group slowly. Fasha opened an eye as she heard the sound of a single set of foot steps while remaining still as if she had not awoken. The foot steps came closer and closer stopping every five minutes, Fasha knew by the pausing of the steps they were being watched.

Turning her scouter back on she scanned the power level of the lone soldier "hmm.. only two thousand? .. this will be simple" she thought to her self. Fasha waited till the lone soldier came right behind Renkon with a knife in his hand. Fasha's arm raised up with out a single word spoken she sent forth a ki blast to the soldier knocking him back as the knife fell onto Renkon's chest. Renkon remained asleep but Kyrui did not as he stood up in full rage looking to his side. The Flashes of the rumor ran threw Fasha's mind as she had awaken him, about to speak on why he reached over grabbing a hold of the soldier that tried to crawl away after the blast wincing from the pain of his broken shoulder.

Screaming out loudly from the pain when gripped the Tranexien looked into Kyrui's eyes seeing the full on rage within him. He knew this was not going to end will for him as Kyrui sent him flying to the air then shot a death ball towards him exploding at contact sending down nothen but dust and blood over them. Fasha took a gulp once in her life with fear, " that could of been me" she thought as her eyes remained on him. Kyrui settled back into his spot closing his eyes once more falling back to sleep with out speaking a word. Fasha took a deep breath in wiping the beads of moisture from her for head " that was to close for comfort" she spoke very quiet only she could hear closing her eyes once more knowing that she would need her rest.

The sun light began to break threw the clouds as each of the crew members felt a huge whack from a stick to the side from Kyrui.

" Wake up lazy bones or should i just kill you right here for waisting time?" Kyrui spoke out " King Vegeta arives today and we still yet have to claim the rest of this planet and here all three of you waisting time by sleeping"

Fasha gathered herself up onto her feet while fixing the position of her scouter. Her armor was now dry and lighter than it was the day before letting her move faster.

" Yea Yea im up im up.. so tell me why King Vegeta do this him self again?!" Daikon asked

"Cause its our job have a problem with that soldier?" spoke Kyrui

" Thats right its our job and if i hear another word coming out of your Mouth Daikon there will not be another" Renkon spoke out.

" Listen up crew we waisted enough time listen close cause i will not repeat what i say" kyrui looked at each one of them.

While Kyrui go threw the plans for the day Fasha took notes remembering the stragity that was handed out for that day. Kyrui sent each of them to a location of their own while he took to the northern side of the planet. Daikon was sent to the south while Renkon was sent to the west and Fasha to the East. Fasha rose off the ground heading off to her task that was sat out infront of her.

Arriving at the first city of her path Fasha lands in the middle hearing the screams and pleads filled the city. "Please no... " the cry's rang threw her ears only sending a grin on her face she had a job to do and nothen would stop her knowing the king himself was to arrive today. Fasha began destroying the city before their eyes. Looking down at the ruins and terrified people all hugging their loved ones she raised into the air to finish her work. Sending waves of ki blasts down ending all that was alive a laughter broke out echoing threw the ruins. Fasha flew away knowing that it was only one done from many that layed a head of her yet.

Time has pasted by and closed in on the crew till King Vegeta was to arrive. Fasha met up with Daikon seeing him talking to the people of the village untouched. Fasha looked at him shocked that he had not done what was told to do. Daikon was plotting agenst his own crew gathering up his own little rebel group.

" What is this?" Fasha asked.

" Your's , Kyrui's, Renkon's and King Vegeta's end!" Daikon spoke not realizing that Fasha's scouter had been on.

What Daikon didn't know was that not only her scouter was on but Renkon and Kyrui had been watching him. Daikon was a spy for the Tranexien's gathering information agenst his own crew and kind for some time and King Vegeta knew secretly about Daikon and sending him back to the planet that he was suppose to claim as a child would set Daikon off and to send Daikon to his death for treason. Fasha did not know what this was all about with Daikon as she landed onto the ground infront of him.

" This is treason Daikon! and for that you must die" Fasha was out raged that Daikon plotted agenst them.

Daikon laughed as the rebels circled around Fasha " you think you can take me on Fasha?"

Gritting her teeth she was about to charge straight for him but Kyrui and Renkon blasted the rebles that stood behind her. Stopping in the midst she looked back to see the commander and Renkon hovering.

" So it is true after all the great silent Daikon shows his true path after all" Renkon spoke out.

Fasha raised from the ground preparing for a battle knowing Daikon was stronger than she was by two thousand power levels. focusing on all of her energy silently her hair flew up wards as the wind grew stronger sending a few of the rebels agents the houses. Renkon and Kyrui remained behind her watching what Fasha would do. "Kaaaa Meha Me .. Haaa....!!!" Fasha shouted fiercely sending the beam towards Daikon sending him deep into the ground. Fasha took deep breaths as she looked down scanning the area threw her scouter checking to see if he was still alive since the dust had not settled. Seeing nothen in return on his levels did the scouter break?, Fasha taped her scouter " This cant be .. but he was stronger than i.." she thought " it must be broken".

The dust finally had settled to the ground with King Vegeta standing infront of them. Fasha keeped her eyes down to the body now shown the Daikon's armor was broken a sudden Burst of ki blast hits Fasha in the chest sending her flying back wards landing onto the ground skidding along the surface leaving her unconscious. King Vegeta walked over to the now worn out Daikon placing his hand onto his chest giving him the final blast of ki killing him instantly.

" King Vegeta" Kyrui and Renkon post at the same time kneeling onto one knee in respect.

King Vegeta motioned for them to stand as he looked over at the unconious Fasha then back to the two. " Your report commander?"

" Daikon was indeed a spy for Planet Tranex sir as we had exspected." Kyrui begain to tell all that there was to be reported back " The city's rests in ruins as the remaining Tranexians surender sir.. the Planet is claimed and will be ready to be sold as your orders been filled out"

Fasha began to stir around placeing her hand onto her head as the pain rushed threw her. pushing herself up off the ground and onto her feet finding that her ribs were sore and tender she slowly walked over to the group.

" Ahh Fasha your alive.. for a moment i thought you were dead" King Vegeta spoke

Fasha clutched her fist bring it to her shoulder with a hard tap " King Vegeta" she replied back.

King vegta took the time to look around " I see.. you and your crew managed well here"

Renkon whacks Fasha's back hard sending her stumbling forward slightly. " Well done Fasha"

Fasha looked up with a nutrual look on her face " thank you Renkon"

King Vegeta turns to face them then waved his hand dismissively " Well go on your job is now done back home with you"

" Yes King Vegeta" they all spoke at once.

Turning around the group took one last look at the land before heading off to their pods. Rising off the ground they separated heading to their pods in silence. Fasha was in no rush as she took her time to return watching the lands and city's that were in ruins storing them into her mind. This was a day that Fasha would not forget any time soon. Arriving at her pod seeing the water had fully engulfed it only sent her in a roaring laugh. " soaked arrive and soaked departing at least i wont smell" calling her pod to come out and land onto the dry land the pod rose out of the lake with the water rushing out of it. The pod lands infront of her taking the side of the pod into her hand while she settled into the soaked padded pod closing her eyes. The door of the pod closed then flew straight up past the clouds. Bringing her back to her home on Vegeta her mission now complete she could rest a bit with ease till king Vegeta calls upon them.

Two months and one week past the pods lands back onto there planet as the doors opened of each pod awaking the crew from their slumbers. Renkon stepped out first with a heavy step stretching his body out all stiff from staying in the pod for so long.

Renkon looked over to Kyrui " Commander" he spoke in greeting.

Kyrui looked amongst the room " what a shame left with five and came back with three."

" it is Commander but we did not expect Nasu to be working for Daikon we did what we had to sir" Renkon seen kyrui's disappointment

"True indeed Renkon" kyrui replied back with heavy thoughts in his mind

They looked over to Fasha's pod where she fell quickly back to sleep with a roaring laugh that woke her up with such a shock. " Whats so Funny?" Fasha had asked but did not received an answer back. Leaving her pod she looked at them both with a raised brow " What is it whats so funny?" it had bugged her not knowing why they were laughing at her vowing she would get the answer from one of them at the end even if she had to pull their teeth out one by one.

With the laugh stuck in her mind Fasha made her way to her room " Just like any other day" she spoke to herself while pealing the wet armor off herself setting it into the locker one piece at a time. Fasha walked to her dresser pulling out a set of dried warm clothing setting them onto her bed neatly as she stood there in a daze. Shaking her head to clear her mind she pulled her clothing onto her body then walked to the spare set of armor fasing them tightly to herself as she heard a loud knock on her door.

" Fasha King Vegeta would like to see you" a small voice spoke threw the door

" I will be right there" Fasha pondered on why the king himself wanted to see her.

With out a word Fasha left her room leaving the door open as she rushed to the king knowing he hated to wait on anyone.

WC 5042

Last edited by Fasha on 2/24/2012, 5:19 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : forgot to add the quest part)

Posts : 28
Join date : 2012-02-22

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